Xavier Rey Photoblog
Skinpress Demo Rss


Filed Under (,, ) by Xavier Rey on dimanche 1 février 2009

Posted at :

Saint Lunaire - France 2008

10 commentaires:

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So simple yet so powerful.
You don't stop to amaze me with your work.

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Toujours des teintes un peu dramatiques. C'est superbe

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Superbe vue de St lunaire...Je passe souvent des vacances à Dinard...Une belle luminosité..Une tonalité de choix..bravo!

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une merveille... une de plus !

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Excellent center composition, other things are great as usual too.

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This is one of the most beautiful blogs around. Each photo is a delight. I finally realized you can click to get a bigger image and wow... what a difference! The composition and toning of this photo is extraordinary.

Mario a dit…

Magnifique symétrie et réflexion.
Et comme toujours la richesse des tons est incomparable. Du grand art!

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Great shot. I love the reflections in the water.

Anonyme a dit…

great vision!
make me think about a point where prehistoric hunters will meet at the end of season...

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